"Allow me to pay it forward and give you this amazing gift  [FIRSTNAME].

Yesterday, I was sitting in the woods by my house creating a crystal grid with the specific crystals aligned with the astrological aspects for the lunar month ahead...

And I felt a gentle breeze touch my face. But there was no wind, [FIRSTNAME].

I quickly realized it was my spirit guides reaching out to me with an important message.

They showed me your name, [FIRSTNAME], told me that your essential mission is one of the MOST important ones on the planet.

They were concerned that you would decide not to invest in your future when you saw my offer today.

And they let me know how detrimental that would be to the future of humanity, [FIRSTNAME]

Because of this, [FIRSTNAME], here’s what I’m going to do:

You’ve just learned how sound frequencies in vibrational technology can replace your negative beliefs with positive ones!

Perhaps you wanted to get it, knowing it will help you, [FIRSTNAME]...

But my guides told me that you are probably still too stuck in a scarcity mindset to actually take action…

They also said I need to do something special for you because your mission is SO critical to humanity’s future, [FIRSTNAME]...

So Allow Me to Help Make This MUCH Easier for You, [FIRSTNAME] Today With A $10 Gift To Use Towards Your Numerology Forecast 2.0 Investment in Your Future

It is my way of doing everything I can to make sure you complete your essential mission, [FIRSTNAME]!

I hope that this makes it a little bit easier for you to take the next step toward fulfilling your destiny and creating a beautiful, fulfilling life with abundant rewards for taking the next divine step toward you completing your mission.

So, instead of paying the already discounted price of $37, with my “complete your mission” gift, you’ll only pay $27 today... that's less than Chiptole delivery for two!

That Chipotle meal might keep you full for a few hours, but with this, you can literally MANIFEST the money to buy Chipotle every night for the rest of your life and anything else your heart desires.

And it will be possible within a few weeks or months after you begin using it, not years...
And then you’ll begin receiving ALL of the gifts the Universe has planned for you, [FIRSTNAME]!

And you need to know this isn’t just about creating an amazing life for yourself...
It’s also about how you can use your abundance to help your friends, family, community, and humanity.

Imagine being able to help your relatives have the money they need to start a business.
Or how you can help friends who are going through a rough patch in their lives.

And how you can donate money to ANYONE’S GoFundMe campaign and perhaps save their life or help prevent them from being homeless!

And as important as ALL those things are, [FIRSTNAME]...

They actually pale in comparison to the impact that YOU completing your Essential Mission will have on the future of humanity!

I truly hope (and pray) that you receive this gift from me today...

Humanity is counting on you, [FIRSTNAME].

Then you will FINALLY be able to receive ALL of the divine blessings the Universe is waiting to deliver into your life, [FIRSTNAME]!
Just click the “YES! I Want To Unlock My Unlimited Potential” Button Below

Here’s What’s You’ll Receive In Your Numerology Forecast 2.0 Program...

You’ll start by going through your Personalized Numerology Forecast Report to discover the true path that your soul is yearning to be on and how to prepare for all of the magic, challenges, and blessings that are to come your way. 

Then you’ll begin reaching into your subconscious mind, using Week 1 of our Vibrational Sound Technology and guided meditation audio.

We’re going to go deep into your subconscious using Alpha and Theta wave stimulation. You’ll be surprised at how fast your reality is going to shift -- when I say prepare to quantum leap into the future, I mean it! 

You’ll also begin mastering the art of visualization, empowering your mind to truly SEE and CREATE the life you’re destined to live. Once you see it, you can feel it, and create it like the master manifestor that you truly are! 

And there is NO waiting period: you get results on the very first day!
Following up with Week 2, you’ll learn what it really feels like to step into your own power. 

Life hasn’t been easy up to this point -- but it doesn’t have to be that way anymore! 

Week 2 can be an emotional one, but it’s completely necessary. We’re going to revisit and reprogram all of the traumatic experiences that you’ve been holding on to since childhood. 

The process of inner-child healing is not an easy one, but this program will support you through it all! 

Finally, you’ll be able to erase ALL of that pain that is holding you back and give you a brand new life once and for all! 

The decoding has already begun....
The final week, your permanent and magical transformation will have started to show up in your physical reality! 

This is the best part of the entire process -- you’ll see a new life being built right before your eyes! 

As you gain confidence in your divine soul mission, harness those powerful cosmic connections to the Universe, and use them to your advantage, you’ll become the unstoppable force that you were always meant to truly be. 

And all of this powerful transformation happens in just 10 minutes a day, using the Vibrational Frequencies to decode and reprogram you from the inside out! 

When you try Numerology Forecast 2.0 today, you’ll also receive over $297 in free gifts!

Bonus #1: Sleep Reprogramming Restoration

Bonus #1 is a powerful audio program that will help you drift off into the powerful, spiritually connected astral realms in your sleep. 

It’s called Sleep Reprogramming Restoration for a reason -- you’ll finally be able to relax knowing that you’re on the path to manifesting the life that you truly desire! 

Even while you’re sleeping, you’ll be under a powerful regeneration process, healing your body from the inside out.
You’ll wake up refreshed and rejuvenated, with abundant energy to fuel your day.

Bonus #2: Astro-Numerology Affirmations

Now, the next step in your transformation is Bonus #2: Astro-Numerology Affirmations.

The powerful affirmations in this audio will connect you back to your cosmic confidence, affirming your journey as the highest vibration of your Sun sign, decoding the way toward fulfilling your destiny.

Listening will bring your brain into synchronization with your soul’s truest purpose so that happiness, peace, and prosperity are attracted into your experience effortlessly.

Sacred Number Shortcut Bonus #1:

Subtracting Stress Sound Bath

This is a powerful Theta Wave program that uses miraculous vibrations to induce an instant calming effect using the magic of HZ music. Each time that you try it, you’ll get deeper and deeper into a relaxed state!

It’s called Subtracting Stress Sound Bath, because it’s like self care for the mind. Just as you may run a candle-lit bubble bath for your body’s stress, this bonus will melt away the stress in your mind.

It’s the easiest and fastest way to relieve stress and relax… much more quickly than a $100 massage, which is practically impossible to book in the middle of a pandemic!
Sacred Number Shortcut BONUS #2:

The Magic of Flow

The next bonus is The Magic of Flow.

Can you recall those alpha waves I mentioned earlier that naturally produce creativity, focus, and overall fuel the manifestation portions of your brain?

This bonus program rapidly triggers your brain’s alpha waves to give you a huge boost in focus and mental clarity, deciviness, and align you with your creativity. 

Half the battle with manifestation is not being clear on what it is that you want. You may have a plethora of ideas, but lack the critical thinking and discernment that you need to bring it to life! 

If this sounds like you, this program is absolutely a must for you! Without it, it’s difficult to use more than 20-30% of your true brain power! 
Sacred Number Shortcut Bonus #3:

Cut and Cleanse The Auric Field

The last bonus is Cut and Cleanse The Auric Field. It uses gamma wave technology to spark a DEEP change and true purification in your energetic body, releasing any attachments that may be clinging and draining your physical energy. 

This frequency is incredibly powerful and transformative. It can quite literally change the essence of your being -- other people will notice it, too! 

Our students who experienced the quickest results use the Personalized Numerology Forecast Report and the Numerology Forecast 2.0 Program together.

As you know, your Personalized Numerology Report will help you decode messages from your future self, aligning you with your soul’s Life Path. 

It will also prepare you for challenges ahead, give you insight on how to connect with the cosmos and harness that powerful planetary energy, as well as help you predict your future through sacred numerology! 

And the Numerology Forecast 2.0 Program will empower you to remove the negative trauma programming from your childhood that is blocking you from fulfilling your destiny and creating your dream life. 

So we have decided to offer the Numerology Forecast 2.0 Program (plus all of the bonuses) for an immensely discounted price of $37 $27 for a limited time to people who have already taken inspired action by investing in their Personalized Numerology Forecast Report.
Once you see the powerful impact of this program, you will be SHOCKED at how your life begins unfolding beautifully before your eyes.

Imagine having the tools to discover your divine Soul Path…

Imagine removing the negative trauma programs that are holding you back…

Replacing your negative subconscious programming with positivity… 

And beginning to manifest the beautiful and fulfilling life you truly deserve.

That’s EXACTLY what will happen when you try Numerology Forecast 2.0 today!

There are just 2 important rules once you click that "YES! Add To My Order" button below:

#1: You must accept that this deal will disappear permanently once you leave this page. You won't be able to come back to this page if you decline this offer and if you want to get Numerology Forecast 2.0 added to your account in future you'll be asked to pay the full price of $37.

#2: You must only ever use your new found wealth for good. I don't want any Numerology Forecast 2.0 member ever attempting to sow seeds of jealousy amongst their friends or family, it's simply not the way that the Numerology Forecast family do things.

If you can agree to both 1 and 2 then I know you'll be rewarded with overwhelming abundance in your life just as I was. This is our most coveted, most requested and most powerful program for changing your future! 

Click the button below to lock in your instant $10 gift from my pocket to yours, right now.

and remember this offer is still backed by my 365 Day Every Penny Back Guarantee!

Get Numerology Forecast 2.0 For $27 On This Page ONLY!

So… Just TRY It. What Do You Have To Lose?
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